Česká republika

Václav Cílek: Sacred Landscape

dagmar šubrtová
19. září 2015

Václav Cílek presented his thoughts on the relationship between the past and the current situation of the Ore Mountains landscape. His field lecture included a walk to an ancient sanctuary-today an archaeological site, located in the hills above the Jezeří Chateau.

The lecture is open to public and was held in Czech.

Max. 15 participants.

To participate in the event please send a short application (stating your name and the title of the lecture) via e-mail to info@frontiers-of-solitude.org. The applicants will receive further specification regarding the meeting point and time.

For more information please contact Dagmar Šubrtová: dasas@email.cz

Související obsah
Václav Cílek, foto archiv

Václav Cílek, foto archiv

Václav Cílek

Václav Cílek is a Czech geologist, climatologist, writer, philosopher, and popularizer of science who combines a knowledge of the humanities with natural science. He is the author of around 400 scientific articles and several books, including the award-winning Inscapes and Landscapes and Makom Book of Places. …

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Libkovice village, foto: Michal Kindernay

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Kaple pod Jezeřím, foto: FOS

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