Česká republika

Peter Cusack

Sonic Journalism and Places in Transformation
Sonic journalism asks the question, “What do we learn of places by hearing their sounds?” and is based on the idea that valuable information about places and events is revealed by the way they sound and that careful listening will give insights different from, but complimentary to, visual images and language. The talk will use examples from the lignite mining areas of North Bohemia and Germany to discuss the sonic consequences of the landscape transformations due to the major industrialisation of these areas.

Peter Cusack is a field recordist and musician with a special interest in environmental sound and acoustic ecology. His projects have included community arts, research into sound and our sense of place, and documentary recordings in areas of special sonic interest (Lake Bajkal, Aral Sea, the Chernobyl exclusion zone, the Caspian oil fields, or UK nuclear sites). The project Sounds From Dangerous Places explores soundscapes at the sites of major environmental damage. Cusack initiated the Favourite Sounds project in London 1998 with the aim of discovering what people find positive about their everyday sound environment. The project has since been established in Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Prague and Birmingham. He lectures in Sound Arts and Design at the London College of Communication and was recently a DAAD artist in residence in Berlin.

Sound works

radio aporee ::: maps - Grevenbroich, Německo
radio aporee ::: maps - Málkov, Česká republika
radio aporee ::: maps - Horní Jiřetín, Česká republika

Související obsah
Libkovice village, foto: Michal Kindernay

Libkovice village, foto: Michal Kindernay

Into the Abyss of the Lignite Clouds

The focus of the expedition and workshops in the landscape around the Most Basin is on current changes in the heavily industrialized landscape, especially with regard to the loss of historical continuity, the transfers of geological layers and social structures, and current discussions about the abolition of territorial limits, as well as the potential for further degradation and exploitation of the landscape by extensive open cast mining. …

Matěj Spurný, photo: Dagmar Šubrtová

Matěj Spurný, photo: Dagmar Šubrtová

Frontiers of Solitude Symposium

The international symposium Frontiers of Solitude, organized as part of the eponymous art project site will offer a comparison of the opinions, experiences, and points of view of artists, curators, and invited guests on the theme of transitions in the landscape in which we currrently live and of which we are a part. …

At Kopisty

At Kopisty