Blog posts


A Hackers Manifesto, verze 4.0, kapitola 4.

By samotar, 10 January 2023

Trnovou korunou a tankem do srdíčka

By samotar, 2 July 2022

Hakim Bey - Informační válka

By samotar, 26 March 2022

Václav Cílek: Záhada zpívající houby

By samotar, 15 February 2022

Guy Debord - Teorie dérive

By samotar, 21 January 2022

Jack Burnham – Systémová estetika

By samotar, 19 November 2021

Rána po ránech

By samotar, 23 May 2021

Na dohled od bronzového jezdce

By samotar, 4 March 2021

Zarchivu: Hůlna-kejdže

By samotar, 7 September 2020

Center for Land Use Interpretation

By samotar, 18 June 2020

Dawn Chorus Day - zvuky za svítání

By samotar, 30 April 2020

Z archivu: Krzysztof Wodiczko v DOXU

By samotar, 26 March 2020

Pavel Ctibor: Sahat zakázáno

By samotar, 22 September 2019


By samotar, 19 September 2019

Tajemství spolupráce: Miloš Šejn

By samotar, 27 June 2018

Skolt Sámi Path to Climate Change Resilience

By samotar, 10 December 2017

Ohlédnutí/Revisited Soundworm Gathering

By samotař, 9 October 2017

Kleté krajiny

By samotar, 7 October 2017

Kinterova Jednotka a postnatura

By samotař, 15 September 2017

Upsych316a Universal Psychiatric Church

By Samotar, 6 July 2017

Za teorií poznání (radostný nekrolog), Bohuslav Blažek

By miloš vojtěchovský, 9 April 2017

On the Transmutation of Species

By miloš vojtěchovský, 27 March 2017

CYBERPOSITIVE, Sadie Plant a Nick Land

By samotař, 2 March 2017

Ivan Illich: Ticho jako obecní statek

By samotař, 18 February 2017

Thomas Berry:Ekozoická éra

By samotař, 8 December 2016

Best a Basta době uhelné

By samotař, 31 October 2016

Hledání hlasu řeky Bíliny

By samotař, 23 September 2016


By samotař, 1 September 2016

Anima Mundi Revisited

By miloš vojtěchovský, 28 June 2016

Simon A. Levin: The Evolution of Ecology

By samotař, 21 June 2016

Jan Hloušek: Uranové město

By samotař, 31 May 2016

Manifest The Dark Mountain Project

By Samotar, 3 May 2016

Pokus o popis jednoho zápasu

By samotar, 29 April 2016

Nothing worse or better can happen

By Ewa Jacobsson, 5 April 2016

Jared Diamond - Easter's End

By , 21 February 2016

W. H. Auden: Journey to Iceland

By , 9 February 2016

Jussi Parikka: The Earth

By Slawomír Uher, 8 February 2016

Co číhá za humny? neboli revoluce přítomnosti

By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 31 January 2016

Red Sky: The Eschatology of Trans

By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 19 January 2016

Towards an Anti-atlas of Borders

By , 20 December 2015

Pavel Mrkus - KINESIS, instalace Nejsvětější Salvátor

By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 6 December 2015

Tváře/Faces bez hranic/Sans Frontiers

By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 29 November 2015

Na Zemi vzhůru nohama

By Alena Kotzmannová, 17 October 2015

Upside-down on Earth

By Alena Kotzmannová, 17 October 2015

Images from Finnmark (Living Through the Landscape)

By Nicholas Norton, 12 October 2015

Czech Radio on Frontiers of Solitude

By Samotar, 10 October 2015

Langewiese and Newt or walking to Dlouhá louka

By Michal Kindernay, 7 October 2015

Notice in the Norwegian newspaper „Altaposten“

By Nicholas Norton, 5 October 2015

Interview with Ivar Smedstad

By Nicholas Norton, 5 October 2015

Iceland Expedition, Part 2

By Julia Martin, 4 October 2015

Closing at the Osek Monastery

By Michal Kindernay, 3 October 2015

Iceland Expedition, Part 1

By Julia Martin, 3 October 2015

Finnmarka a kopce / The Hills of Finnmark

By Vladimír Merta, 2 October 2015

Workshop with Radek Mikuláš/Dílna s Radkem Mikulášem

By Samotářka Dagmar, 26 September 2015

Já, Doly, Dolly a zemský ráj

By Samotar, 23 September 2015

Up to the Ore Mountains

By Michal, Dagmar a Helena Samotáři , 22 September 2015

Václav Cílek and the Sacred Landscape

By Samotář Michal, 22 September 2015

Picnic at the Ledvice waste pond

By Samotar, 19 September 2015

Above Jezeří Castle

By Samotar, 19 September 2015

Cancerous Land, part 3

By Tamás Sajó, 18 September 2015

Ledvice coal preparation plant

By Dominik Žižka, 18 September 2015

pod hladinou

By Dominik Žižka, 18 September 2015

Cancerous Land, part 2

By Tamás Sajó, 17 September 2015

Cancerous Land, part 1

By Tamás Sajó, 16 September 2015

Offroad trip

By Dominik Žižka, 16 September 2015

Ekologické limity a nutnost jejich prolomení

By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 16 September 2015

Lignite Clouds Sound Workshop: Days I and II

By Samotar, 15 September 2015

Walk from Mariánské Radčice

By Michal Kindernay, 12 September 2015

Mariánské Radčice and Libkovice

By Samotar, 11 September 2015

Most - Lake, Fish, algae bloom

By Samotar, 8 September 2015

Monday: Bílina open pit excursion

By Samotar, 7 September 2015

Duchcov II. - past and tomorrow

By Samotar, 6 September 2015

Duchcov II.

By Samotar, 6 September 2015

Arrival at Duchcov I.

By Samotar, 6 September 2015

Czech Republic

Cancerous Land, part 1

Posted by
Tamás Sajó

1. Lom u Mostu. Year Zero

Lom u Mostu was once called Bruch. It lay in the north of the Czech Republic, it was inhabited by Germans, as were the vast majority of the cities and villages of Sudetenland. When, in 1920, the victors divided the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with reference to the right of self-determination of peoples, the German minority of Bohemia belonged to those few “less equal” peoples, to which it was not allowed to exercise that right. Although the representatives of the three million strong Sudeten German minority declared their intention to join Germany in the event of the dissolution of the Monarchy, on the order of President Masaryk the Czech army marched in, and asserted the much older right of the winner. The Sudetenland remained in Bohemia.

Once more the Sudeten Germans got to know the right of the winner. When, in the spring of 1944, the Soviet army marched into Bohemia, the Czechoslovak government, which had been declared winner, thought it was time for the Endlösung of “the German problem”. President Beneš in his infamous Brno and Prague speech declared the German minority collectively guilty, and called for its liquidation. The Bohemian Germans were deprived of all their rights and property, their personal documents were replaced with a “German card”, they were forced to bear a white armband as a discriminatory sign and to do humiliating public works, in many places mass violence and bloody pogroms were committed against them, and in January 1946 all the Germans across Bohemia were put on trucks and trains, and deported fom the country. More than two hundred thousand people lost their lives during the action.

Settlers from the entire territory of Czechoslovakia were recruited to the Sudetenland, now empty of Germans, with the slogan “Let us reconquer the borderland!” Most of the settlers were landless serfs, who were attracted by the possibility of ready-made wealth, and after they consumed it, they moved on. The once-rich German villages became dilapidated within a few years, a great part of their houses and suburban farms were ruined. By the 1990s, two hundred and sixty villages had disappeared in the Sudetenland (and further eight hundred and one in the Böhmerwald in Southern Bohemia), but not without any trace: anyone who knows the way can still find the remnants of the houses and the stumps of the church towers, grown over with forest.

In Lom u Mostu, today nothing reminds you of the German past. Or, better to say, there is one thing. On the only monument in the town, in front of the church, on the place of a former World War I memorial to the deceased of the village, a Nazi eagle is tearing at the defenceless Czechs, and the names of Nazi concentration camps run around the edge of the base. The statue, which, judging from its design, reminiscent of Constructivism and Art Deco, was erected shortly after the deportation of the Germans, and formulates for the new settlers the new official history, based on Czech martyrdom, and does not leave space for any Czech-German joint history or the German past of the region. A new era begins.

Another monument of the new time stands opposite the church. Once it might have been built as a house of culture, since that time it has carried on its facade, the proud inscription: VLASTNÍ SILOU – BY OUR OWN STRENGTH. Today only its ground floor is used, which bears the euphemistic name “Restaurant”.

It is time that produces an involuntary memorial to the German past. The walls, just like in the other countries of the former Soviet bloc, started to crumble in the nineties, or perhaps it has been only since then that it is not considered necessary to destroy or to hide under plaster any more the ghost signs which come to light, the marginalia of previous peoples and history. On the edge of Lom, along the road to Mariánské Radčice, there is a two-storey house, according to its labels a former restaurant, which, judging from the multiplicity of its layers, repeatedly changed hands and names before the war. Three snarling dogs guard it, the barking calls the owner out. “When was this house built?” I ask him the preventive question. “In nineteen hundred two.” “And what was the name of the restaurant? I cannot read it.” “How should I know it? It was not even a restaurant, it was a brothel. Do you understand? A brothel.” And, nevertheless, finally, the suspicious question slips out: “Why the hell do you take photos of it?”