Blog posts
A Hackers Manifesto, verze 4.0, kapitola 4.
By samotar, 10 January 2023
Alfred ve dvoře čili Poznámka k pražské hetero-utopii
By samotar, 10 November 2022
Trnovou korunou a tankem do srdíčka
By samotar, 2 July 2022
Hakim Bey - Informační válka
By samotar, 26 March 2022
Jean-Pierre Dupuy: Do we shape technologies, or do they shape us?
By samotar, 6 March 2022
Václav Cílek: Záhada zpívající houby
By samotar, 15 February 2022
Guy Debord - Teorie dérive
By samotar, 21 January 2022
Jack Burnham – Systémová estetika
By samotar, 19 November 2021
Poznámka pod čarou k výstavě Handa Gote: Věc, nástroj, čas, fetiš, hygiena, tabu
By samotar, 13 July 2021
Rána po ránech
By samotar, 23 May 2021
Na dohled od bronzového jezdce
By samotar, 4 March 2021
Z archivu:Mlha - ticho - temnota a bílé díry
By samotar, 7 October 2020
Zarchivu: Hůlna-kejdže
By samotar, 7 September 2020
Center for Land Use Interpretation
By samotar, 18 June 2020
Dawn Chorus Day - zvuky za svítání
By samotar, 30 April 2020
Z archivu: Bílé Břehy 2012 a Liběchov 2011
By , 3 April 2020
Z archivu: Krzysztof Wodiczko v DOXU
By samotar, 26 March 2020
By samotar, 20 March 2020
Podoby domova: hnízda, nory, doupata, pavučiny, domestikace a ekologie
By samotar, 17 March 2020
Michel Serres: Transdisciplinarity as Relative Exteriority
By samotar, 5 November 2019
Pavel Ctibor: Sahat zakázáno
By samotar, 22 September 2019
By samotar, 19 September 2019
Atmosférické poruchy / Atmospheric Disturbances - Ustí nad Labem
By samotar, 13 September 2019
Erkka Laininen: A Radical Vision of the Future School
By samotar, 10 August 2019
Anton Pannekoek: The Destruction of Nature (1909)
By samotar, 21 July 2019
Co padá shůry - světlo, pelyněk, oheň a šrot
By samotar, 30 December 2018
2000 slov v čase klimatických změn - manifest
By samotar, 2 November 2018
Vladimír Úlehla, sucho, geoinženýrství, endokrinologie, ekologie a Josef Charvát
By samotář, 22 September 2018
Lukáš Likavčan: Thermodynamics of Necrocracy - SUVs, entropy, and contingency management
By samotar, 20 July 2018
Tajemství spolupráce: Miloš Šejn
By samotar, 27 June 2018
Invisible Images (Your Pictures Are Looking at You) Trevor Paglen
By samotar, 2 June 2018
By samotar, 18 May 2018
Případ zchudlé planety:Vojtěch Kotecký
By samotar, 22 April 2018
Rozhovor na Vltavě: Jak umění reaguje na dobu antropocénu?
By samotar, 10 March 2018
Skolt Sámi Path to Climate Change Resilience
By samotar, 10 December 2017
Brian Holmes: Driving the Golden Spike - The Aesthetics of Anthropocene Public Space
By samotar, 22 November 2017
Ohlédnutí/Revisited Soundworm Gathering
By samotař, 9 October 2017
Kleté krajiny
By samotar, 7 October 2017
Kinterova Jednotka a postnatura
By samotař, 15 September 2017
Ruiny-Černý trojúhelník a Koudelkův pohyb v saturnských kruzích
By samotar, 13 July 2017
Upsych316a Universal Psychiatric Church
By Samotar, 6 July 2017
Miloš Vojtěchovský: Krátká rozprava o místě z roku 1994
By milos, 31 May 2017
Za teorií poznání (radostný nekrolog), Bohuslav Blažek
By miloš vojtěchovský, 9 April 2017
On the Transmutation of Species
By miloš vojtěchovský, 27 March 2017
Gustav Metzger: Poznámky ke krizi v technologickém umění
By samotař, 2 March 2017
CYBERPOSITIVE, Sadie Plant a Nick Land
By samotař, 2 March 2017
Ivan Illich: Ticho jako obecní statek
By samotař, 18 February 2017
Dialog o primitivismu – Lawrence Jarach a John Zerzan
By samotar, 29 December 2016
Thomas Berry:Ekozoická éra
By samotař, 8 December 2016
Jason W. Moore: Name the System! Anthropocenes & the Capitalocene Alternative
By miloš vojtěchovský, 24 November 2016
Michel Serres: Revisiting The Natural Contract
By samotař, 11 November 2016
Best a Basta době uhelné
By samotař, 31 October 2016
Epifanie, krajina a poslední člověk/Epiphany, Landscape and Last Man
By Samotar, 20 October 2016
Doba kamenná - (Ein, Eisen, Wittgen, Frankenstein), doba plastová a temná mineralogie
By samotař, 4 October 2016
Hledání hlasu řeky Bíliny
By samotař, 23 September 2016
By , 19 September 2016
T.J. Demos: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Gynocene: The Many Names of Resistance
By , 11 September 2016
By samotař, 1 September 2016
Neptunismus a plutonismus na vyhaslé sopce Bořeň
By , 14 August 2016
Murray Bookchin: Toward an Ecological Society/ K ekologické společnosti (1974)
By samotař, 31 July 2016
Metafory, endofyzika, manželé Themersonovi a Gordon Pask
By samotař, 15 July 2016
Anima Mundi Revisited
By miloš vojtěchovský, 28 June 2016
Simon A. Levin: The Evolution of Ecology
By samotař, 21 June 2016
Anna Remešová: Je možné představit si změnu?
By samotar, 20 June 2016
Jan Hloušek: Uranové město
By samotař, 31 May 2016
Josef Šmajs: Složí lidstvo zkoušku své racionální dospělosti?
By samotař, 20 May 2016
Manifest The Dark Mountain Project
By Samotar, 3 May 2016
Pokus o popis jednoho zápasu
By samotar, 29 April 2016
Václav Cílek: Antropocén – velké zrychlení světa
By Slawomír Uher, 23 April 2016
Nothing worse or better can happen
By Ewa Jacobsson, 5 April 2016
Real Reason we Can’t Stop Global Warming: Saskia Sassen
By , 18 March 2016
The Political Economy of the Cultural Commons and the Nature of Sustainable Wealth
By samotar, 12 March 2016
Jared Diamond - Easter's End
By , 21 February 2016
Felix Guattari - Three Ecologies (part 1)
By , 19 February 2016
W. H. Auden: Journey to Iceland
By , 9 February 2016
Jussi Parikka: The Earth
By Slawomír Uher, 8 February 2016
Brian Holmes: Extradisciplinary Investigations. Towards a New Critique of Institutions
By Stanislaw, 7 February 2016
Co číhá za humny? neboli revoluce přítomnosti
By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 31 January 2016
Podivuhodný osud polárníka a malíře Julia Payera
By , 23 January 2016
Red Sky: The Eschatology of Trans
By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 19 January 2016
By samotar, 7 January 2016
The Forgotten Space: Notes for a Film
By , 7 January 2016
Rise and Fall of the Herring Towns:Impacts of Climate and Human Teleconnections
By , 25 December 2015
Hlubinná, temná, světlá i povrchová ekologie světa
By , 22 December 2015
Three short movies: Baroque Duchcov, New Lakes of Mostecko and Lignite Clouds
By Michal Kindernay, 21 December 2015
Lenka Dolanová: Umění mediální ekologie
By , 21 December 2015
Towards an Anti-atlas of Borders
By , 20 December 2015
Pavel Mrkus - KINESIS, instalace Nejsvětější Salvátor
By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 6 December 2015
Tváře/Faces bez hranic/Sans Frontiers
By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 29 November 2015
Josef Šmajs: Ústava Země/A Constitution for the Earth
By Samotar, 28 November 2015
John Jordan: The Work of Art (and Activism) in the Age of the Anthropocene
By Samotar, 23 November 2015
Humoreska: kočky, koulení, hroby a špatná muška prince Josefa Saského
By Samotar, 13 November 2015
Rozhovor:Před věčným nic se katalogy nesčítají
By Samotar, 11 November 2015
Lecture by Dustin Breiting and Vít Bohal on Anthropocene
By Samotar, 8 November 2015
Antropocén a mocné žblunknutí/Anthropocene and the Mighty Plop
By Samotar, 2 November 2015
Rory Rowan:Extinction as Usual?Geo-Social Futures and Left Optimism
By Samotar, 27 October 2015
Pavel Klusák: Budoucnost smutné krajiny/The Future of a Sad Region
By ll, 19 October 2015
Na Zemi vzhůru nohama
By Alena Kotzmannová, 17 October 2015
Upside-down on Earth
By Alena Kotzmannová, 17 October 2015
Thomas Hylland Eriksen: What’s wrong with the Global North and the Global South?
By Samotar, 17 October 2015
Nýey and Borealis: Sonic Topologies by Nicolas Perret & Silvia Ploner
By Samotar, 12 October 2015
Images from Finnmark (Living Through the Landscape)
By Nicholas Norton, 12 October 2015
Bruno Latour: Love Your Monsters, Why We Must Care for Our Technologies As We Do Our Children
By John Dee, 11 October 2015
Temné objekty k obdivu: Edward Burtynsky, Mitch Epstein, Alex Maclean, Liam Young
By Samotar 10 October 2015, 10 October 2015
Czech Radio on Frontiers of Solitude
By Samotar, 10 October 2015
Beyond Time: orka, orka, orka, nečas, nečas, nečas
By Samotar, 10 October 2015
Langewiese and Newt or walking to Dlouhá louka
By Michal Kindernay, 7 October 2015
Notice in the Norwegian newspaper „Altaposten“
By Nicholas Norton, 5 October 2015
Interview with Ivar Smedstad
By Nicholas Norton, 5 October 2015
Iceland Expedition, Part 2
By Julia Martin, 4 October 2015
Closing at the Osek Monastery
By Michal Kindernay, 3 October 2015
Iceland Expedition, Part 1
By Julia Martin, 3 October 2015
Finnmarka a kopce / The Hills of Finnmark
By Vladimír Merta, 2 October 2015
Od kláštera Osek na Selesiovu výšinu, k Lomu, Libkovicům, Hrdlovce a zpět/From The Osek Cloister to Lom and back
By Samotar, 27 September 2015
Sápmelažžat Picnic and the Exploration of the Sami Lands and Culture
By Vladimir, 27 September 2015
Gardens of the Osek Monastery/Zahrady oseckého kláštera
By ll, 27 September 2015
Workshop with Radek Mikuláš/Dílna s Radkem Mikulášem
By Samotářka Dagmar, 26 September 2015
Czech Radio Interview Jan Klápště, Ivan Plicka and mayor of Horní Jiřetín Vladimír Buřt
By ll, 25 September 2015
Bořeň, zvuk a HNP/Bořeň, sound and Gross National Product
By Samotar, 25 September 2015
Já, Doly, Dolly a zemský ráj
By Samotar, 23 September 2015
Up to the Ore Mountains
By Michal, Dagmar a Helena Samotáři , 22 September 2015
Václav Cílek and the Sacred Landscape
By Samotář Michal, 22 September 2015
Picnic at the Ledvice waste pond
By Samotar, 19 September 2015
Above Jezeří Castle
By Samotar, 19 September 2015
Cancerous Land, part 3
By Tamás Sajó, 18 September 2015
Ledvice coal preparation plant
By Dominik Žižka, 18 September 2015
pod hladinou
By Dominik Žižka, 18 September 2015
Cancerous Land, part 2
By Tamás Sajó, 17 September 2015
Cancerous Land, part 1
By Tamás Sajó, 16 September 2015
Offroad trip
By Dominik Žižka, 16 September 2015
Ekologické limity a nutnost jejich prolomení
By Miloš Vojtěchovský, 16 September 2015
Lignite Clouds Sound Workshop: Days I and II
By Samotar, 15 September 2015
Recollection of Jezeří/Eisenberg Arboretum workshop
By Samotar, 14 September 2015
Walk from Mariánské Radčice
By Michal Kindernay, 12 September 2015
Mariánské Radčice and Libkovice
By Samotar, 11 September 2015
Tušimice II and The Vicarage, or the Parsonage at Mariánské Radčice
By Samotar, 10 September 2015
Most - Lake, Fish, algae bloom
By Samotar, 8 September 2015
Monday: Bílina open pit excursion
By Samotar, 7 September 2015
Duchcov II. - past and tomorrow
By Samotar, 6 September 2015
Duchcov II.
By Samotar, 6 September 2015
Arrival at Duchcov I.
By Samotar, 6 September 2015
Poznámka k havárii rypadla KU 300 (K severu 1)
By Samotar, 19 August 2015
On Detecting Background Word VIRUS Radiation in Antarctica by Alejandra Perez Nunez
In 2009 I began an investigation into the Antarctic territories. I was recording unperceivable sounds through the use of transducers. While I was staying at Base Prat in Greenwich Island I thought of the accumulated discourses, of the intensities related to scientific investigations and geopolitical treaties mapped over a place with such unusual configurations as Antarctica.
A concept of a system of coordinates can be read in The Ticket That Exploded, a work by William S. Burroughs (1967) with contributions from Brion Gysin, Michael Portman and Ian Somerville. The book was developed mainly out of the permutations and juxtapositions executed over a pool of written material (2). Nova criminals are described in The Ticket That Exploded as non tridimensional organisms active as systems of coordinates that unfold throughout the “addicts of the world” and other confluences. (3)
The basic Nova technique is very simple: Always create as many insoluble conflicts as possible and always aggravate existing conflict – This is done by dumping in the same planet life forms with incompatible conditions of existence. W.S.Burroughs (1962) The Ticket That Exploded, p.55
I propose that there are forms in the text, such as systems of coordinates emergent in the cut-ups, juxtaposed and permutated text, that evidence reduced subject-object distinctions. These systems of coordinates are networks that contain angles, and degrees of deviation or separation, so that, from degree 0 in perception, meaning the total fascination and loss of boundaries, to those angles within the systems of coordinates that spread over into the tissues of predilection.” (4) 0 degrees of total immersion is the instantaneous multidimensional. Word pushes us away from degree 0. That degree 0 is the fully libidinal place of fulfillment.
Burroughs asserts that the same infectious organism, the “word virus”, is a key to having access to Operation Rewrite (5), since, because everything is pre-written (6) and pre-recorded, (7) it is possible to access the pre-recordings. I now will introduce the concept of the “instanta-exploration of systems of coordinates in the juxtaposed text, as this serves as an interface with which to explore landscape, since it is executed to become an index of site. The exploration takes place through a completion of degrees.
Degrees of separation between the subject and the object, the writer and the writing, landscape and the self, the self and “The Other Half”. Burroughs, in The Ticket that Exploded, asks, “You know about the logos group?? and describes them as discharging “engram tapes” for domination (8) Alien secret groups and bureaus clear and discharge strains of viral infectious words, with sequences to control human affect. (9)
The process of “word virus” infestation can be compared to a process of indoctrination such as the promotion of an ideology. Fredric Jameson (1981) points out that Althusser’s concept of ideology is “a representational structure which allows the individual subject to conceive or imagine his or her lived relationship to transpersonal realities such as the social structure or “the collective logic of history”. (10)
The infestation of the “word virus” described by Burroughs may be seen as a simile for the operations of scripture performed in late antiquity in relation to the Old and New Testament that Fredric Jameson uses as a proof of a large project of indoctrination, in the medieval and
patristic system known as the four levels of scripture, which was used, “as a strategy for assimilating the Old Testament to the New (...)” (11)
These operations of rewriting the Life of Christ as a re-writing of the Old Testament seem, according to Jameson, to have been based on a system of categories. Thus writing and re-writing might be seen as a technology applied to scripture. “It is precisely by way of the moral and anagogical interpretation (the collective “meaning” of history) that the textual apparatus is transformed into a libidinal apparatus”. (12) Once libidinal, contagion is widely spread as the need is established - A kind of “full spectrum dominance” (13) operates instantaneously from inner speech to the Nova Police, with the police working through your inner speech. Burroughs relates domination to lines of pleasure and the “algebra of need”, a series of cycles related to scarcity, satisfaction, fear, withdrawal and waiting. (14) Burroughs describes virus domination spreading through vibrating photos, flicker ghost, spliced recordings, engram tapes, juxtapositions, the other half, permutations, pattern pulsing, remote mineral silence, writing machines. The sequences of relations, established by the method of the four senses, convert the particular into the universal, daily life into human universal history. It is an algorithm, it is software performed over words that have since then been repeated over the centuries. Those words, the scriptures, transported a logic, a virus, as Burroughs named it, an infectious logic of ideology. They are streams of words that, for Burroughs, correspond to a form of alien invasion, or a “biological mutation”. The nature of these alien invaders is polymorphous, sometimes “alien”, sometimes undercover police agents, an “inflexible machine”, a mixture of radioactive vapor bureau officers. (15) Nagasaki - Injury Headquarters - Dual mammalian structure - Hiroshima People - Or some disgusting officers produced the rest of it. (Burroughs, W.S. (1964) Nova Express. p.37).
The idea I propose is that text can be used to interface landscape, placing text against landscape or over it , becoming a mold of the real, being itself an index, a system of coordinates that parallels the multidimensionality of each site. Text molds the “instantaneous multidimensional” , redacting it into a mold of a face, the traces left in topographies, traces of history, and in the particular case of Antarctica, and many other remote unaccessible places, traces of empire. I will take my work, A common element (2013) (15) as an example of such performative text and propose it as a mimetic interface to the instantaneously multitudinal in the Antarctic landscape.
From time to time the murmur continued. The sound also took the form of a continuous screeching or jingling comprised of many overlapping high-frequency whistles. The Very Low Frequency emissions involved in this universal interweaving. With the exception of sounds produced normally by natural noises, they are called Very Low Frequency emissions or VLF ionospheric noise. (...)
Sources of Very Low Frequency emissions
Nature and influence of VLF emissions using unusual society-community teams. The evidence is strong that VLFenomenology emissions in electro-magnetic space are complex political geo-messages remaining with no explanation. Various theories have brought up the presence of charged particles in the outer ionosphere.
Guided missiles, flee with amphibious submarines. North American Rockwell World War and the discovery of the magnetosphere was present during testing and in the way the sky lit up at night. (…) Report in itself : the Garrett Corporation has designed the motors - They bounce between the earth and the ionosphere and occasionally they take a ride in military planes; General electric has its own think transcender in order to reach the earth again in the opposite hemisphere. Hewlett-Packard company “radar control” Jet propulsion laboratory; Littletown Industries build arching over the equator, whistlers and globetrotting signals, signals of assault ships and orientation and fire control systems, from the initial explosion of a bolt of lightning they unfold, forming a glissando.
(...) Quasi-musical sounds with audible frequencies like a faint jumble to World War, North American Rockwell at 1500 cycles per second. It is the property of being directionally dependent or toisotropy of millions of U.S. dollars. It has been observed in the high performance intercosmos satellites called TEMP running guided missiles and advanced amphibious submarines.
(1) - This text has been written as a snapshot of a larger essay. It is using concepts found in the books, Naked Lunch (1959), The Ticket That Exploded (1962), Nova Express (1964) and The Third Mind (1978) by William S. Burroughs.
(2) - The Third Mind (1978) p.10-11 The ticket that exploded (1962) p.65
(3) - op. cit. p.57
(4) - The Ticket That Exploded (1962) p.58-59
(5) - op.cit p.49
(6) - Odier, Daniel. The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs. New York: Penguin, 1989. p.28
(7) - Everything is done with tape recorders” The Ticket That Exploded (1962) p.166
(8) - The Ticket That Exploded (1962) p.20
(9) - As described in detail in Nova Express (1964) and The Ticket That Exploded (1962)
(10) - Jameson, F (1981) “The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act. p.30
(11) - Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious (1981).p.29
(12) - Fredric Jameson, The Political Unconscious (1981).p.30
(13) - A concept coined by the Pentagon (2000) and brought into academic discourse by Steve Goodman in Sonic Warfare (2010)
(14) - “Junk yields a basic formula of evil virus: The algebra of need”. The Naked Lunch (2004) p.4
(15) - According to Burroughs the origin and history of this word virus was formulated by Steinplatz “the word was a virus
of what he calls BIOLOGIC MUTATION effecting the biologic change in its host which was then genetically conveyed.”Electronic Revolution (1970) p.6. A further argumentation should consider the relation with Valis (1981) from Philip K Dick. Alien agents in Nova Express (1964) p.33. An inflexible machine in The Naked Lunch (2004) p.112
(16) - A common element (2014) is a radio work whose text has been executed through the application of Burroughs’ writing techniques using as sources two articles by Douglas Kahn, Earth Sound Earth Signal. Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts and The Military-Arts Nexus: Two cases in the United States, c. 1970. and Helliwell text on Whistlers and Related Ionospheric Phenomena.
Alejandra Perez Nunez is a noise artist and performer working with LINUX and Free Open Source Software tools. Since 2005 she has shown her live work in Europe and South America and has worked with different groups and organisations in cities like Barcelona, Rotterdam, Brussels, Paris and Berlin. She has a degree in psychology and aesthetics from Universidad Catolica de Chile and a M.A. in media design from Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. In 2007 she was a resident at the Theremin Center in Moscow where she was researching on sensors, radio and history of Russian technology based arts. She is based in Valparaiso, Chile, where she is developing a practice related to education and autonomy through electronic media.She is a PhD student at Westminster university in London where her focus of research is Antarctic landscape and the unperceivable intensities entangled to remote sites. Her noise act is focused on the production of affect through the use of minimal setups. Hers is an investigative performance about the dissolution of borders between self and other.
text published in The Laboratory Planet n° 5 A l i e n c a p i t a l i s m